



About "Dogs" and "Dots"

 by Masayoshi Homma

In 1975, I was invited to Yugoslavia to participate as a judge at the international print exhibition in Ljubljana. The judging process involved a series of votes punctuated by discussions among the judges, and finally the candidates for the Grand Prize had been narrowed down to Ronald Kitaj and Akira Mat-sumoto. Throughout the previous balloting, Mr. Kitaj had maintained a sizable plurality, but Mr. Matsumoto scored a surprising victory on the final ballot. While Mr. Kitaj's surrealistic works of collective expression were brilliant arid loquacious, Mr. Matsumoto’s landscapes of dots were plain and reticent. Nevertheless, when the final vote was taken, the depth of Mr. Matsumoto's conception of the art print swayed the hearts of the judges.

In addition to the international competition, there were separate prizes to be awarded by the Slovenia region, and the fact that Mr. Matsumoto was awarded the Critics' Prize says much about the impact of his work on the judges. In the ensuing years, whenever I have had the opportunity to look at Mr. Matsumoto's work, I have been stimulated to appreciate the diversity of his approaches to the art print and of his modes of expression, and have always been deeply moved.

Well, returning to the subject at hand I was presented with a copy of Mr. Matsumoto's photographic essay entitled "dog'" l This collection of photographs, taken by him in the year or so following his receipt of the Ljubljana prizes, is a sort of record of his travels in various parts of the world during that period. However," dog" is not a narrative nor a realistic description of his travels. Mr. Matsumoto himself says that he does not recall exactly where at which locale in which country he took these photographs. It is sufficient that they represent a journey that has been preserved deep within the artist himself.

As a direct record of his travels, Matsumoto draws grids, and at the points of intersection, following the days of his travels, he places dots to create a pointillistic record. In each photograph a dog always appears, although this should be thought of in the same way as the dots recording the passing of time. Dogs can be found in every locale in every country, and with the dogs acting as points, as artistic catalysts if you wish, to make a long story short, aren't they representing the meaning of travel when they appear in prints?

There is an old story about a sword-fighting master who tells a young disciple that if he arrives at the field of battle and finds ants on the ground, his forces will surely be victorious. Well. ants can be found almost everywhere, so using them as a catalyst for suggestive victory is at once a truly ordinary yet extraordinary teaching. As I turn each page of "dog', I am again and again overwhelmed by the photographs. I remember one more thing worth mentioning here, and that also occurred at Ljubljana. After the judging was over, we were all much relieved and returned to our hotel. To our great surprise, we found the canine entrants in a local dog show gathered with their masters, and the hotel Iobby presented a chaotic scene of yelping and barking. Drinking coffee quietly in one corner of the hotel restaurant, we observed this most unsocialist of happenings to see in a socialist country, and as I recall this incident now', perhaps those dogs were some of the dots in Mr. Matsumoto's prints.

 (Director of the Museum of Modern Art, Saitama)